Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Preparing and Staining a Bacterial Smear

Today we took our pure cultures from last week from the incubator, and chose a colony to make a smear plate from. Using the asceptic technique, I chose a colony and used my inoculating loop to create a thin film on the glass sides. After air-drying the slides, I fixed the bacteria to the plate by swiping it through the flame 3 times. Then I stained one slide using crystal violet stain for 25 seconds, and the other using safranin for a minute. I rinsed the excess dye and blotted the plate dry to observe next week. Then each lab group got a sample of bacteria to make a slant tube from. Once again, using the asceptic technique, we sterilized our inoculating loops and smeared the sample in the new slant tubes, and put them in the incubator for next week. Enjoy the pics!

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